Phantom Playback

Another Halloween has come and gone (and so has Daylight Savings Time). Neither Lotto Texas nor Powerball saw Pattern repeats. Instead, they brought out the repeating Four-Number and Three-Number Combinations with chilling effect. Even more chilling was that one of these lotteries saw a playback! Players were in for a treat as the jackpots climbed to $7.25 million and $137 million, respectively.

Lotto Texas

General Lottery Analysis

The {3-2-1} Pattern made its 956th appearance with winning numbers 14, 25, 35, 40, 52 and 53.

No tricks here! Source:

This Pattern has now played in 52.9% of the 1808 Lotto Texas drawings and was last seen October 10, 2020.

Now with 166 appearances, the 1 2 3 Specific Order has played in 17.4% of the 956 drawings where {3-2-1} was the winning Pattern. Once all 1808 drawings have been taken into consideration, this Specific Order has played 9.18% of the time. Prior to Saturday night, the 1 2 3 Specific Order played June 3, 2020.

Four-Number Combinations

A trio of repeating Four-Number Combinations made their rounds:

  • 14, 25, 40, 52 (Debuted April 25, 2015)
  • 35, 40, 52, 53 (Debuted February 26, 2020)
  • 14, 35, 52, 53 (Debuted May 1, 2010)
Three sweet treats! Source:


General Lottery Analysis

With winning numbers 2, 6, 40, 42, 55 and PB 24, the {2-2-1-1} Pattern made its 147th appearance.

Plenty of treats with these numbers! Source:

There have now been 530 Powerball drawings, and this Pattern has played 27.7% of the time.

The [2-2-1-1] General Order, now with 54 appearances, has played in 36.7% of the 147 drawings where {2-2-1-1} was the winning Pattern. Once all 530 drawings have been taken into consideration, this General Order has played 10.2% of the time.

The 2 0 2 1 0 1 Specific Order, now with five appearances, has played in 9.26% of the 54 drawings where the General Order was [2-2-1-1]. This Specific Order has also played in 3.40% of the 147 drawings where {2-2-1-1} was the winning Pattern and in 0.95% of the 530 Powerball drawings.

The {2-2-1-1} Pattern, [2-2-1-1] General Order, and 2 0 2 1 0 1 Specific Order were last seen together in the October 17, 2020 drawing.

Three-Number Combinations  

Repeating Three-Number Combination 2, 40 and PB 24 debuted August 8, 2020.

The cherry on top of the playback treat! Source:

We have now officially entered the “Hallowthankmas” season. Lotto Texas and Powerball are sure to keep us on our toes and throw out goodies here and there! Will the week ahead be one filled with Pattern encores and jackpots that continue to rise?

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