The Playback Blowtorch

It was a scorcher Wednesday night, and we don’t just mean a heat wave! August 7, 2019 was the night both Lotto Texas and Powerball saw a playback. Additionally, one of these lotteries was also neck-deep in encores. The intensity of this blowtorch kept players away from the grand prizes. These rose to $15.25 million for Lotto Texas and $128 million for Powerball.

Lotto Texas

General Lottery Analysis

With winning numbers 1, 3, 16, 22, 31, and 35, the {3-3} Pattern made its 136th appearance.

Something special about these numbers. Source:

This Pattern has played in 8.10% of the 1679 Lotto Texas drawings.

Now with 43 appearances, the 3 3 0 Specific Order has played in 31.6% of the 136 drawings where {3-3} was the winning Pattern. Once all 1679 drawings are taken into consideration, this Specific Order has played 2.56% of the time.

Would you believe that both the {3-3} Pattern and the 3 3 0 Specific Order came back for an encore? They were last seen together August 3, 2019. How often do you see an encore double as a playback?

Similar Spread

Lotto Texas, normally the “quiet one”, has had an interesting summer. Just one week ago, we saw a similar spread. Wednesday night gave us another one; the spread was 02:13:06:09:04. This time around, its spread was similar to the one seen November 19, 2016. The spread for that night was 04:02:13:06:09 and the winning numbers were 15, 19, 21, 34, 40, and 49. Remember: although the differences between numbers are the same in both these drawings, the orders are different.

Four-Number Combination(s)

There were more shenanigans to be had when repeating Four-Number Combination 1, 3, 16, and 35 showed up!

Of *course* it wouldn’t be just a Pattern encore and a similar spread! Source:

This Combination debuted in the December 6, 2000 drawing.


General Lottery Analysis

The {2-1-1-1-1} Pattern made its 150th appearance with winning numbers 8, 32, 47, 53, 59, and PB 3.

The classy one this time. Source:

This Pattern has played in 37.4% of the 401 Powerball drawings.

The [1-1-2-1-1] General Order, now with 26 appearances, has played in 17.3% of the 150 drawings where {2-1-1-1-1} was the winning Pattern. Once all 401 drawings have been taken into consideration, this General Order has played 6.48% of the time.

Now with seven appearances, the 1 0 1 2 1 1 Specific Order has played in 17.3% of the 26 drawings where the General Order was [1-1-2-1-1]. This Specific Order has also played in roughly 4.67% of the 150 drawings where {2-1-1-1-1} was the winning Pattern and in 1.75% of all 401 drawings.

Powerball saw a playback but did not see an encore. The {2-1-1-1-1} Pattern, [1-1-2-1-1] General Order, and 1 0 1 2 1 1 Specific Order were last seen exactly one week prior. More specifically, in the July 31, 2019 drawing.

Three-Number Combination(s)

Believe it or not, Powerball kept it classy with two repeating Three-Number Combinations:

Two was plenty. Source:

August is the hottest month of the year and Lotto Texas and Powerball have taken it to heart! Could there be more playback madness Saturday night, or will things cool down?

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