Mirror, Mirror

Lotto Texas and Powerball mirrored each other the night of April 12, 2017. If you were to look at just the Patterns, they were identical. If you were to take a deeper look, then you’d notice the many differences. One such difference is that this Pattern is very common in Lotto Texas, not so much in Powerball.

For those of you just tuning in to this humble blog (or need a reminder), the Lottery Trend analysis team never takes things at the surface level.

Lotto Texas

The {3-2-1} Pattern continued to dwarf all other Lotto Texas Patterns in the appearance department, with 747 to date. The winning numbers on Wednesday night were 5, 26, 30, 31, 46, and 54.

Winning Texas Lottery numbers.

This Pattern has now played in approximately 52% of the 1437 drawings, and was last seen in the April 5, 2017 drawing exactly one week ago.

Making its 112th appearance, the 1 3 2 Specific Order has played in 15% of the 747 drawings where the {3-2-1} Pattern has appeared. This Specific Order has also played in 7.79% of all 1437 drawings. Like the {3-2-1} Pattern, the 1 3 2 Specific Order previously played on April 5th.

As for repeating Four-Number Combinations, there were none to speak of.


In contrast to Lotto Texas’s {3-2-1} Pattern, Powerball’s {3-2-1} Pattern isn’t very common at all. Having just made its seventh appearance last night, it’s one of the least commonly seen Patterns. The winning numbers were 8, 14, 61, 63, 68, and PB 24.

Winning Powerball numbers.

This Pattern has now played in 4.40% of the 159 Powerball drawings, and previously played in the February 18, 2017 drawing.

Now with five appearances, the [2-3-1] General Order has played in approximately 71.4% of the seven drawings where the {3-2-1} Pattern has appeared. When taking all the Powerball drawings into account, this statistic becomes 3.14%. The [2-3-1] General Order was last seen in the January 25, 2017 drawing.

Since there were no repeating Three-Number Combinations, let’s end the Powerball coverage with the debut of Specific Order 2 0 0 0 3 1. This Specific Order has now played in 20% of the five drawings where the [2-3-1] General Order has appeared, as well as about 14.3% of the seven drawings where the {3-2-1} Pattern has appeared. When considering all 159 drawings, this stat becomes 0.63%.

What was just discussed in this evening’s post was in fact covered once before here on Lottery Binge. It’s not often that the Patterns for both Lotteries would be the same! Now, with the next drawings being held the day before Easter, will there be golden eggs?

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